My Personal Newsletter Debut

Hello World!

(For golfers here, that is a Tiger Woods reference when he turned pro. Don’t worry, this isn’t a golf publication)

The purpose of this email/publication or whatever we call it is to share a more personal/behind-the-scenes look at our business, operations, and my day-to-day.

I’ll start light with this one as easing into things seems to be a good practice for all projects

I’ve taken on recently but I would love any feedback or questions you guys have to help make this better/more enjoyable for you.

As far as business goes,

Here are The Current Focuses and Topics I Have Been Focusing on Lately:

Property optimizations

In the last 6 months I have sold a property and purchased a new property.

Unfortunately that new property had a major flood which became our sole focus.

I will be sending out specific detail in future newsletters,

But we added hot tubs, rebuilt backyards, adding golf simulators, redo of decor, new furniture, etc.

All of this was more manageable as we had other projects going on in the business.

What is the right amount to achieve a complete passive FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) number?

According to the Trinity Study,

You can withdraw 4% of your nest egg if it’s invested properly,

Without ever drawing down your principal balance.

For example,

If you have 2 million dollars in Vanguard index funds, according to the study,

If you draw approx. 80k/year,

You will have enough money to live the rest of your life without diminishing your principal.

These videos do a great job explaining so I recommend you check out these videos if you are interested.

Here and Here.

Another great resource and vibrant community to learn about this is Reddit in the Fire community there.

For safety/headache protection,

I have been moving chunks of funds into these buckets. I have also been investing in syndications.

Hiring New Team Members

  • Part-time Project Manager

Mainly to help organize and optimize the business but also help as I look to add a few new properties this year.

I think I found someone I like on Upwork but I’ll keep you guys posted.

  • Email Marketing Guru

To help with the type of emails you are reading here but also the deal emails we send out.

Someone could DM’d me I am giving it a try.

I am also going to work with our Twitter ghostwriter who has done a great job.

  • Social Media Implementor

Someone who will help monitor trends day to day and help produce content on our platforms.

  • Social Media Strategist

Trying something different this go around.

Instead of using an agency,

I want a separate implementor and a strategy to give that implementor direction.

This person will be more analytic and conversion-focused.

Looking to Add 1-2 New Properties in Q1

With the projects I had going on the last 6 months,

Premium Deals Community, property flood, property optimizing, starting our real estate agency, and building our referral network.

New property acquisition was on the back burner.

I will probably add 1 short term rental and 1 small multifamily.

Updates to follow.

I will probably be documenting the entire process live on my channel here.

I will be grabbing deals from our own portal,

If you want to check out a list of profitable Airbnb deals completely free,

You can do so here.


Finding A Budgeting App To Replace Mint

Some of you may be aware that Mint is going away.

I have been a user for a few years and the main thing I use it for is to track my spending trends.

I am considering Monarch, Quicken Simplifi and YNAB

(Even though I tried it once and didn’t like it)

If you have any recommendations or personal favorites,

Please send it as I am in the testing phase. 🙏

New Habits

Daily sauna

Maybe its placebo but this has been awesome for a few reasons.

I like the mental aspect of it.

Staying 20 minutes at 170 degrees is no joke! lol

Social media on my phone for 2 hours per week

I just had enough.

I realized that while there were some positive benefits of social media,

There were too many negatives for me at the moment.

Now my goal with social media is to get in and get out.

2 hours each Monday

1 hour for inspiration and 1 hour for filming.

So far the results have been pretty fascinating.

Much higher mental clarity, better mood and overall focus.

Highly recommend.

Learning Spanish

Since I live in Colombia for 6 months a year,

It was time to officially put a line in the sand to be less gringo.

Now when I take my daily walk,

I am making sure to crank a few Duolingo mods.

Since I live in Colombia for 6 months a year,

It was time to officially put a line in the sand to be less gringo.

Now when I take my daily walk,

I am making sure to crank a few Duolingo mods.

30 min daily walk

As mentioned above.

This is one of my favorite parts of the day,

And I plan to add more walks.

Right now I wake up, drink water, and go for a walk.

I put on audible, currently listening to The Law Of Success By Napolean Hill.

In the last 10 minutes,

I switch to Spanish lessons on Duolingo but usually go for 30 minutes once I start.

I have been doing this for 3 weeks but it has also had a big effect.

Getting the body moving early,

I have had some of my best new ideas and thoughts during this time, and I always learn during this time.


This year I am taking a completely different approach to golf.

That includes a new instructor, new practice habits and overall methodology.

The main factors I’m focusing on to get better are:

  • Decade Golf for golf course methodology

  • Switching to the same putter as Victor Hovland

Trying to take a more systematic approach to the game. Let’s see what happens.


Call me crazy but I am going for it.

I will dig into this more in the future but here are some things I am doing that have greatly improved my sleep.

Got back on whoop.

Not just for fun, but to conduct weekly sleep experiments.

So far have done:

  • Eye mask

  • Mouth tape

  • Nose tape

  • Melatonin

  • Tea

  • Different stop types of my phone

  • And others

Right now, I am getting the best sleep I have gotten in a few years,

Here is the Current Routine:

  • Leave the phone on the far side of my room - I use an iPad for the alarm next to the bed.

  • Sleeping at 65 degrees Fahrenheit

  • Since I’m a golf nerd, I watch Decade Golf modules to get tired. Something about Scott’s voice just does it.

Until Next Time (Either next week or next month)

  • Thank you so much for being a subscriber to our content and any/all feedback you have given.

  • Please please please give any feedback or topics you want to see more of. I am your human gurney pig and want to try to improve this over the next few iterations.

  • If there is anything you are struggling with or need help with in the world of real estate, money, or virtual assistants, just let us know. We have lots of other free content and tools that may be helpful on your journey if you feel stuck.

And I will be posting more content here if you prefer a video format


Thank you for reading!



A Peek into My Week


VA Series 1/5: What can VAs Do in your Business in 2023