🎙️How To Start A Podcast


Seems like a daunting task doesn’t it?  It may be the thing you've wanted to do for a long time or it may be something you decided on right before reading this.

It doesn’t matter what your reason is.   All I can say about my experience with Podcasting to this point (90 days in) is that it seems to be likely one of the most powerful actions I have ever taken.  It has become an incredible Halo Habit.  Halo habit for me is defined as a single habit that leads to progress on many other powerful habits.


The following 10 steps outline my process for creating a podcast.

Step 1A: Just start - trust me you are going to be bad at the beginning.  It's amazing.  That's the beauty of progress.  Look back at any of your favorite podcasts:  BiggerPockets, Joe Rogan, Tim Ferris, and How I Built This.  They were either different, less structured, or just flat-out bad when they started.  The point is, you will figure out what you want to change, once you have something to change.

Step 1B:  Spend time thinking about & outlining the following:

  • Who do you want to listen to your podcast? Audience

  • Is this part of a greater strategy? A business? A hobby? A job?

  • Who will you interview/have on your podcast?

  • Are there any podcasts you'd like to model?

  • What will be the general format? Purely Q&A? A 20-minute quick hit? 90-minute deep dive?

  • How often do you want to release an episode? Is this timeline realistic?

  • Is there anything you can do to stand out from a podcast you’re modeling?

  • add these points into a note-taking app - for me, this is google sheets under a tab called podcast values*

Step 2:  Schedule & record your first conversation with a friend.  Don’t worry, IT WILL BE WEIRD. Using a cell phone and the app below.  (no equipment yet, remember, the point is to just take action and get started).

Download one of these free conferencing call apps for the recording:

  • Zoom

  • Skype

  • Free Conference call

  • Google Hangouts
    *** It doesn’t matter which you pick, they all work, if you have experience with one, great, if you've never heard of any, play ini-mini-miny-mo. Do not let this decision take more than 5 minutes.

    *For recording: Keep things light, you may even need a first run without recording to make sure your audio/video is ok. If you do record, just have a few questions prepared but again, keep it light, it shouldn’t be robotic or too scripted. Keep things conversational.

Record episode.  There should be a record button somewhere on the interface of your conference call software.

Congrats, you've just recorded your first episode.  You’ve taken more action than 99% of people.  Don’t worry, I pretty much guarantee it's bad.  If not, you are 1% so congrats on that.  I was in the 99% bucket of it being horrible, so it’s all good.

Step 3:  Listen to your recording.  With your phone off, email off, and no one around.  This part will likely be painful,  but necessary.  Take notes on what you liked/didn’t like and will change.

Try to come up with 3 things you didn’t like that you can easily change.  Things like follow-up responses, not interrupting guests, stronger transitions between topics, etc.

Also,  if you are the type who has a habit of only picking at areas of improvement, try to come up with 3 things you thought you did well!

Step 4:  Hire a VA from Freelancer or Upwork for editing. 

Why?  For me - the only part of this process I enjoyed or had experience with was speaking to people and building relationships.

What was my excuse for not starting a podcast?  I didn’t know how to edit, turn an audio/video into a podcast, or any of the other parts that go into this.  I didn't want to let this reason stop me from creating something.

Moral of the story?  Solve the part you don’t understand by getting educated or speaking with people who have solved that.   Focus on what you are good at/what you like and stop doing the rest.  If you need a crash course on this concept, read Michael Hyatt’s Free to Focus - my favorite of 2020 so far.

Step 5:  Have a VA create your logo for under $24.  Using a tool like Fivver.com you will be amazed at the results.  Trust me.

Step 6:  Order the most basic equipment.   Don't worry, I am sure people reading this will roll their eyes because this isn’t the best sound & audio equipment.  No problem.  Remember we are just getting started.  If your computer or phone has a camera, that is fine to start.
Amazon Mic Gear

Step 7:  Create a list of people you want to have on - first run.  I organize it with my assistant using this template.  Here is are list to the project management sheet I use to manage all episode outreach and recorded episodes:

Step 8:  Create outreach templates for your podcast.  These can be great to save time but be careful not to be too robotic / non-personal here.  A few good rules of thumb for outreach:

  1. Add a personal touch to your outreach. Mention why you are reaching out to them based on an episode you saw, a video you watched, or an article you read. This will make a big difference. Always be willing to work around your guest’s schedule on the first touch.

  2. Have something prepared to tell them more about the podcast - short and sweet. It’s normal but most people will want some type of preview before signing onto something.

Example templates:

Template 1 - Friend:

“Hey X, I started a podcast on X topic.  I know it's a busy time to start the year but if you had a few minutes I’d love to dig into x interesting thing you did.  Would you be open to coming on for a quick interview?  Glad to work around your schedule!  :)”

Template 2 - Someone in the industry you've learned from:
”Prospects Name, thanks for the input! After digging into your content and profile, I was really impressed with your experience.  I am reaching out for a specific reason.  I have a podcast that focuses on Real estate and Personal Development - two passions of mine.  My question to you was - what value can I bring to you or help you with so that I can earn the ask to have you on the podcast as a guest?

Is there anything you need direct help with at the moment?

Glad to work around your schedule!

If not, I understand and look forward to enjoying your content further.



Step 9:  Create a Calendly link for your podcast.  I like this method but I still think this can come off the wrong way if not done properly.  In some cases, it's the easiest way to coordinate with guests or people in general.  I usually phrase it something like:  would any of these times work to connect?  If you are uncomfortable with this, another way I like to confirm times is by using phrases:  What are some times that work for you?  When is the best time during the week of X to record?

Step 10:  Batch episode recordings and build systems for production & distribution:

Check out our whole production process here

Most of this article is tangible production steps.  There is some detail missing but overall enough here to get off the ground.  A tip I heard from Joe Fairless was to batch episodes.  This means, recording multiple episodes on certain days & certain times.  This helps with workflow and building up a reserve so you don't feel pressure when deadlines are coming up.  Distribution could probably be its own post but in general, find a system that works for you and gets the links in your guest’s hands so they can help share/promote your content.

I hope this helps.

Don't miss the video on my YouTube channel! 👇


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